Welcome to my world.
My name is Austin Keefe, and I am a multimedia designer that specializes in Graphic and Theatrical design. My experience includes dozens of scenic, sound, and lighting designs for theatrical productions in Washington, D.C. as well as graphic and web design for WCG and VeraSci.
My greatest passion in life is helping others with their artistic visions, and it is what I am best at. If you are an artist, visionary, or any kind of creator please do not hesitate to request my services.
Austin was part of a creative team of 6 working for WCG's marketing team to completely overhaul the company's brand design. The following work was completed between 2022 and 2023. To see more of Austin's work on WCG's website, please visit wcgclinical.com.
Following the rebrand of WCG, Austin continued to develop the brand's idenitity through web pages and navigation, case studies, and white papers.
To learn more about the Participant Playbook, click here. To download the full PDF, click here.
The following designs were created while working for the VeraSci Marketing team from 2021 - 2022.
The following designs were created while attending SCAD from 2018 - 2021
The following designs are original illustrations created for Austin's friends and family
Arcadia is a concept of a spirit world that Austin created to turn his family members into fantastical beings in his fantasy universe.
Download the Spirit Tamer Manifest to view the Spirit Tamers of Arcadia.
Download PDFDownload the Aspects of the Crescent Isles to view the next series of Arcadia.
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